
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Alum Creek Multipurpose Trail - 7.3 miles

The Multipurpose trail extends along the east side of the Alum Creek Reservoir beginning at the boat launch site and heading north.  If you go clockwise there is about 2.2 miles until the forest road dissects the trail.  If you continue north it will bend eastward and head back south at about 3.5 miles.  The return trip is much shorter and shadows Africa Rd.  It is only 2.2 miles. The whole loop is 5.7 miles.

I usually choose to run the first 3.5 miles and then turn around and head south rerunning the same stretch.  Why?  Well, number one it is much prettier.  That stretch follows the banks of the reservoir instead of the road.  Second, it is longer.  I get a 7 mile run in and. can even extend  that a bit by taking the short loop to the finish near the end like I did today.  The Multipurpose Trail is not well tended for the most part.  In the spring it is very muddy.  In the summer it is mowed infrequently.  It is best a fall and winter trail.

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